U.S. Marines demolish unserviceable ammunition, unexploded ordnance and other military items in Helmand province, Afghanistan, March 17, 2013.
Demolishing unserviceable ammunitionThursday, March 28, 2013
Sunday, March 17, 2013
PAKISTAN: Killing of Ms Perveen Rehman
Sun, Mar 17, 2013 at 9:24 AM
On 13 March 2013, human rights defender Ms Perveen Rehman was shot and killed by armed motorcyclists, close to her offices. Perveen Rehman was a social and economic rights defender, working with communities in the slums of Karachi. She was director of the Orangi Pilot Project, one of Pakistan's most successful non-for-profit social programmes, which helps local communities escape from poverty. Perveen Rehman had recently been documenting the situation in villages close to Karachi, which are affected by land grabbers and religious extremists.

A Press Release from Front Line Defenders forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC)
Perveen Rehman was a social and economic rights defender

On 13 March 2013, as Perveen Rehman arrived at her offices in a car, armed men travelling on two motorcycles approached her and opened fire, shooting her twice on the face and once on the neck. The human rights defender was rushed to the local Abbasi Shaheed Hospital, where she subsequently died of her wounds.
Perveen Rehman had previously reported being subjected to death threats. On one occasion, an armed man reportedly stormed her offices and ordered staff to leave.
On 14 March 2013, student and several civil society organisations, including Shirkatgah, Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, Awami Workers Party and Home-Based Women Workers Federation, held a protest against the killing of the human rights defender.
Front Line Defenders condemns the killing of Perveen Rehman, and believes it to be motivated by her peaceful and legitimate human rights work, in particular her work to defend the rights of marginalised communities in the village and slums of Karachi.
Front Line Defenders urges the authorities in Pakistan to:
1. Initiate an immediate, thorough and impartial investigation into the killing of Perveen Rehman, with a view to publishing the results and bringing those responsible to justice in accordance with international standards;
2. Guarantee in all circumstances that all human rights defenders in Pakistan are able to carry out their legitimate human rights activities without fear of reprisals and free of all restrictions, including physical violence and death threats.
# # #
About AHRC: The Asian Human Rights Commission is a regional non-governmental organisation that monitors human rights in Asia, documents violations and advocates for justice and institutional reform to ensure the protection and promotion of these rights. The Hong Kong-based group was founded in 1984.
Friday, March 15, 2013
Fourth day of National Seminar
Discussion contd on “Caste Question and Marxism”
Caste system is not serving feudal powers, but the capitalism
Chandigarh, 15 March. “Today, it is not the feudal powers that are maintaining the caste system but it is the capitalism which is responsible for instilling vital energy to the caste system and this has become a powerful instrument for creating divisions among the working people. So it is wrong to think that with the development of capitalism and industry, the caste system will get eradicated on its own.”
This was stated by Abhinav Sinha, editor of Ahwan magazine while presenting the paper in the Fourth Arvind Memorial Seminar going on here today in Bhakna Bhavan. Speaking on the subject of “Historiographic writing of Caste System” he outlined the ideas of foremost historians of India and said that Caste never remained a static system, but it underwent changes in its form and characteristics with the change in relations of production.
He said that origin of varna-system is invariably associated with the origin of classes, state and patriarchy. From its origin to the present day, caste has remained a strong instrument in the hands of ruling classes. It keeps the poverty-ridden working people in the state of slavery and divides them into different castes. The capitalist system has shaken the caste-based labor division and repulsion on the basis of sharing food but it has affected the endogamy because endogamy is not in any conflict with the capitalism.
Before this, in the evening session yesterday, Shivani from Delhi University presented a paper on “Caste, Class and Politics of Identity” and Praskanva Sinharay from Social Sciences Studies Centre, Kolkata presented his write-up on “Caste and Politics – Changing face of Left front.”
Shivani in her paper said that identity politics is serving the ends of capitalist system by creating divisions in the struggle of people. The identity politics is creating factional feuds in the dalit castes and sub-castes. The identities of caste, gender, nationality etc have to be steered towards the common enemy i.e. capitalism and imperialism, and this task can be fulfilled only by the class-based organizing.
Praskanva Sinharay speaking on the politics of Matoua community sprung up from Naam-shudras in Bengal, said that left front strongly brought the demands of Matoua refugees to the forefront, but after that the left front not only ignored the Matoua caste but also oppressed it. This was one of the reasons of the defeat of left front in last elections.
Participating in the discussion over the paper, Sukhwinder said that by attaching the caste system with feudal system, it is neither possible to recognize the enemy nor it is possible to create slogans for the struggle. The reality today is that the basis of the exploitation is capitalist system. The slogan of “Land to the Tiller” has lost its validity in present circumstances.
Sabdeesh, a known writer, said that because of the hatred for the Brahmanism, Ambedkar failed to understand the conspiracy of colonialism. Ambedkar’s pain for dalit oppression was true to its core, but by only feeling deep pain one can’t put forward a project of emancipation.
Researcher and activist associated with Sanhati, Asit Das in his reply to the questions raised on his paper said that it has to thought that how can we give a class outlook to the anger against oppression.
Nepali Rashtrya Dalit Mukti Morcha president Tilak Parihar said that imperialism is following the way of “divide and rule” in the whole world and is encouraging the identity politics. Thousands of NGOs are active in the dalits of Nepal which get their million-billion dollar funding from imperialism but still the majority of the people have stood with the communists.
Laltu, professor in Hyderabad IIT & a known writer, Anant Acharya from Kolkata, journalist Prabhakar from Mumbai, Santoshi Vishavkarma from Nepal, Dr. Darshan Kherhi from Ludhiana, Bebi Kumari, Lashkar Singh etc also participated in the discussion. The discussion was so lively and interesting that it continued upto 11’o clock in the night.
Today’s session was presided over by renowned literary critic from Nepal Ninu Chapagai, senior social activist Kashmir Singh and editor of ‘Pratibadh’ Sukhwinder. The stage was conducted by Naujawan Bharat Sabha activist Tapish Mandola.
Caste system is not serving feudal powers, but the capitalism
Chandigarh, 15 March. “Today, it is not the feudal powers that are maintaining the caste system but it is the capitalism which is responsible for instilling vital energy to the caste system and this has become a powerful instrument for creating divisions among the working people. So it is wrong to think that with the development of capitalism and industry, the caste system will get eradicated on its own.”
This was stated by Abhinav Sinha, editor of Ahwan magazine while presenting the paper in the Fourth Arvind Memorial Seminar going on here today in Bhakna Bhavan. Speaking on the subject of “Historiographic writing of Caste System” he outlined the ideas of foremost historians of India and said that Caste never remained a static system, but it underwent changes in its form and characteristics with the change in relations of production.
He said that origin of varna-system is invariably associated with the origin of classes, state and patriarchy. From its origin to the present day, caste has remained a strong instrument in the hands of ruling classes. It keeps the poverty-ridden working people in the state of slavery and divides them into different castes. The capitalist system has shaken the caste-based labor division and repulsion on the basis of sharing food but it has affected the endogamy because endogamy is not in any conflict with the capitalism.
Before this, in the evening session yesterday, Shivani from Delhi University presented a paper on “Caste, Class and Politics of Identity” and Praskanva Sinharay from Social Sciences Studies Centre, Kolkata presented his write-up on “Caste and Politics – Changing face of Left front.”
Shivani in her paper said that identity politics is serving the ends of capitalist system by creating divisions in the struggle of people. The identity politics is creating factional feuds in the dalit castes and sub-castes. The identities of caste, gender, nationality etc have to be steered towards the common enemy i.e. capitalism and imperialism, and this task can be fulfilled only by the class-based organizing.
Praskanva Sinharay speaking on the politics of Matoua community sprung up from Naam-shudras in Bengal, said that left front strongly brought the demands of Matoua refugees to the forefront, but after that the left front not only ignored the Matoua caste but also oppressed it. This was one of the reasons of the defeat of left front in last elections.
Participating in the discussion over the paper, Sukhwinder said that by attaching the caste system with feudal system, it is neither possible to recognize the enemy nor it is possible to create slogans for the struggle. The reality today is that the basis of the exploitation is capitalist system. The slogan of “Land to the Tiller” has lost its validity in present circumstances.
Sabdeesh, a known writer, said that because of the hatred for the Brahmanism, Ambedkar failed to understand the conspiracy of colonialism. Ambedkar’s pain for dalit oppression was true to its core, but by only feeling deep pain one can’t put forward a project of emancipation.
Researcher and activist associated with Sanhati, Asit Das in his reply to the questions raised on his paper said that it has to thought that how can we give a class outlook to the anger against oppression.
Nepali Rashtrya Dalit Mukti Morcha president Tilak Parihar said that imperialism is following the way of “divide and rule” in the whole world and is encouraging the identity politics. Thousands of NGOs are active in the dalits of Nepal which get their million-billion dollar funding from imperialism but still the majority of the people have stood with the communists.
Laltu, professor in Hyderabad IIT & a known writer, Anant Acharya from Kolkata, journalist Prabhakar from Mumbai, Santoshi Vishavkarma from Nepal, Dr. Darshan Kherhi from Ludhiana, Bebi Kumari, Lashkar Singh etc also participated in the discussion. The discussion was so lively and interesting that it continued upto 11’o clock in the night.
Today’s session was presided over by renowned literary critic from Nepal Ninu Chapagai, senior social activist Kashmir Singh and editor of ‘Pratibadh’ Sukhwinder. The stage was conducted by Naujawan Bharat Sabha activist Tapish Mandola.
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Fourth Arvind Memorial Seminar in Chd.
Intensive debate and discussions from 12 March
*Five-day Seminar on 'Caste Question and Marxism'
*Scholars and Activists from India and Abroad will Participate in the seminar
Chandigarh, 10 March. Scholars, writers and activists from all over India and some from abroad will participate in intensive debate and discussions on a most important aspect of social change in India during the five-day seminar on 'Caste Question and Marxism' starting from 12 March in Chandigarh.
The seminar is being organised in Baba Sohan Singh Bhakna Bhavan (Sector 29-D, Chandigarh) by Arvind Memorial Trust, established in memory of Com. Arvind, a brilliant Marxist intellectual and activist. Managing trustee of the Trust, Ms. Meenakshi said this is probably for the first time that such an intensive and expansive discussion is being organised on all the aspects of the complex caste question. Particularly, this is for the first time that such wide-ranging polemics is being organised on the caste question in relation to the left movement and Marxist thought.
Overall, 14 papers and write-ups will be presented in the seminar on different aspects of the subject. The base paper of the seminar 'Caste Question and its solution: A Marxist Viewpoint' is prepared by the research team of Arvind Institute of Marxist Studies.
Other papers include 'Ambedkarism and Dalit Liberation' by Sukhwinder, editor of Punjabi journal Pratibaddh; 'Historiography of Caste' by Abhinav, editor, Aahvan; 'Class, Caste and Identity Politics' by Shivani, Delhi University; 'Caste and Politics in West Bengal' by Praskanva Sinharay, CSSS, Kolkata; 'Caste and Sex in Marxist Traditions' by Dr. Rajarshi Dasgupta, JNU; Marxism and the caste question' by Asit Das,Researcher and Activist, New Delhi; 'On Identity Politics' by Prashant Gupta, B.R. Ambedkar College, Delhi University; On Conjoint Relevance of Marxism and Ambedkarism by Sukhdev Singh Janagal, Punjab and on the limitations of caste and identity politics by Jai Prakash of the 'Jati Virodhi Andolan'.
Eminent historian Prof. Irfan Habib will send a background note on caste in India, Ninu Chapagain, Politburo Member and in charge of the Cultural Division of UCPN (M) will present a write-up on 'The Dalit Question and Aesthetics' and a paper 'Towards A Programme for Abolition of Material Basis of Casteist Hierarchy' by Dr. Anant Phadke, Shramik Mukti Dal (Democratic), Pune will be presented. Prof. William Paul Cockshott,
University of Glasgow will make a presentation through internet linkup and his paper 'Dr. Ambedkar or Dr. Marx' will be circulated as a background note.Well-known writer and activist on caste issues, Dr. Anand Teltumbde, prominent Hindi writer Prof. Tulsiram of JNU, eminent sociologist Prof. Satish Deshpande, famous writer Prof. (Mrs.) Vimal Thorat, Prof. PK Vijayan and Dr. Saroj Giri of Delhi University, renowned Hindi poetess and activist Katyayani, Arjun Prasad Singh of PDFI, senior leader of CPN (M) Tilak Parihar, Namdev Laghave of Nagpur, Dr. Shyam Bihari Rai and Aditya Narayan Singh from Delhi, Nepali poet and activist Sangeet Srota, Anant Acharya from Kolkata, Uttamrao Jagirdar and Sharad Gaikwad of Republican Panthers, Mumbai, Hargopal Singh from Himachal Pradesh, Prof. Chamanlal of JNU, Prof. Manjit Singh of Chandigarh University, Punjabi writer Santokh Singh Virdi, journalist from Mumbai VP Singh, writer Arvind Shesh and German artist and left social activist
Johannes Paul Raether are among those who will participate in the discussions in various sessions of the seminar.
Apart from this, representatives from several groups and mass organisations, writers, journalists and social activists from Punjab, UP, Bihar, Delhi, Uttarakhand, Haryana and Maharashtra will participate in the seminar.
Ms. Meenakshy said the caste question, particularly the Dalit question, is still one such burning question of Indian society, without the process of whose resolution, the unity of the toiling masses and the success of their emancipatory-project can not be envisaged. There have been seminars-symposiums on this question for a long time but there has been an absence of serious research and unbiased lengthy debate. This seminar is an attempt in this direction.
In memory of Com. Arvind, the Arvind Memorial Trust organises a national seminar each year on an important aspect of the movement for social change in India. The first two seminars in Delhi and Gorakhpur were focused on different aspects of the labour movement while the third seminar was held in Lucknow on the democratic rights movement in India.
The holding of the fourth seminar in this row in Punjab has a special significance due to the specific history of Marxist movement and the caste question in Punjab. Ms. Meenakshy expressed confidence that the social-political activists as well as writers-scholars of Punjab will participate with an open mind in the seminar and this seminar will take forward the tradition of open exchange of ideas and thought provoking debates of the first three seminars. It will contribute to the continuing discourse on a most important aspect of the project of social change in India.
Meenakshy (Managing Trustee), Anand Singh (Secretary)
Arvind Memorial Trust
For more information, please contact:
Katyayani–09936650658, Satyam–9910462009, Namita (Chandigarh)–9780724125
Please also click Punjab Screen
*Five-day Seminar on 'Caste Question and Marxism'
*Scholars and Activists from India and Abroad will Participate in the seminar
Chandigarh, 10 March. Scholars, writers and activists from all over India and some from abroad will participate in intensive debate and discussions on a most important aspect of social change in India during the five-day seminar on 'Caste Question and Marxism' starting from 12 March in Chandigarh.
The seminar is being organised in Baba Sohan Singh Bhakna Bhavan (Sector 29-D, Chandigarh) by Arvind Memorial Trust, established in memory of Com. Arvind, a brilliant Marxist intellectual and activist. Managing trustee of the Trust, Ms. Meenakshi said this is probably for the first time that such an intensive and expansive discussion is being organised on all the aspects of the complex caste question. Particularly, this is for the first time that such wide-ranging polemics is being organised on the caste question in relation to the left movement and Marxist thought.
Overall, 14 papers and write-ups will be presented in the seminar on different aspects of the subject. The base paper of the seminar 'Caste Question and its solution: A Marxist Viewpoint' is prepared by the research team of Arvind Institute of Marxist Studies.
Other papers include 'Ambedkarism and Dalit Liberation' by Sukhwinder, editor of Punjabi journal Pratibaddh; 'Historiography of Caste' by Abhinav, editor, Aahvan; 'Class, Caste and Identity Politics' by Shivani, Delhi University; 'Caste and Politics in West Bengal' by Praskanva Sinharay, CSSS, Kolkata; 'Caste and Sex in Marxist Traditions' by Dr. Rajarshi Dasgupta, JNU; Marxism and the caste question' by Asit Das,Researcher and Activist, New Delhi; 'On Identity Politics' by Prashant Gupta, B.R. Ambedkar College, Delhi University; On Conjoint Relevance of Marxism and Ambedkarism by Sukhdev Singh Janagal, Punjab and on the limitations of caste and identity politics by Jai Prakash of the 'Jati Virodhi Andolan'.
Eminent historian Prof. Irfan Habib will send a background note on caste in India, Ninu Chapagain, Politburo Member and in charge of the Cultural Division of UCPN (M) will present a write-up on 'The Dalit Question and Aesthetics' and a paper 'Towards A Programme for Abolition of Material Basis of Casteist Hierarchy' by Dr. Anant Phadke, Shramik Mukti Dal (Democratic), Pune will be presented. Prof. William Paul Cockshott,
University of Glasgow will make a presentation through internet linkup and his paper 'Dr. Ambedkar or Dr. Marx' will be circulated as a background note.Well-known writer and activist on caste issues, Dr. Anand Teltumbde, prominent Hindi writer Prof. Tulsiram of JNU, eminent sociologist Prof. Satish Deshpande, famous writer Prof. (Mrs.) Vimal Thorat, Prof. PK Vijayan and Dr. Saroj Giri of Delhi University, renowned Hindi poetess and activist Katyayani, Arjun Prasad Singh of PDFI, senior leader of CPN (M) Tilak Parihar, Namdev Laghave of Nagpur, Dr. Shyam Bihari Rai and Aditya Narayan Singh from Delhi, Nepali poet and activist Sangeet Srota, Anant Acharya from Kolkata, Uttamrao Jagirdar and Sharad Gaikwad of Republican Panthers, Mumbai, Hargopal Singh from Himachal Pradesh, Prof. Chamanlal of JNU, Prof. Manjit Singh of Chandigarh University, Punjabi writer Santokh Singh Virdi, journalist from Mumbai VP Singh, writer Arvind Shesh and German artist and left social activist
Johannes Paul Raether are among those who will participate in the discussions in various sessions of the seminar.
Apart from this, representatives from several groups and mass organisations, writers, journalists and social activists from Punjab, UP, Bihar, Delhi, Uttarakhand, Haryana and Maharashtra will participate in the seminar.
Ms. Meenakshy said the caste question, particularly the Dalit question, is still one such burning question of Indian society, without the process of whose resolution, the unity of the toiling masses and the success of their emancipatory-project can not be envisaged. There have been seminars-symposiums on this question for a long time but there has been an absence of serious research and unbiased lengthy debate. This seminar is an attempt in this direction.
In memory of Com. Arvind, the Arvind Memorial Trust organises a national seminar each year on an important aspect of the movement for social change in India. The first two seminars in Delhi and Gorakhpur were focused on different aspects of the labour movement while the third seminar was held in Lucknow on the democratic rights movement in India.
The holding of the fourth seminar in this row in Punjab has a special significance due to the specific history of Marxist movement and the caste question in Punjab. Ms. Meenakshy expressed confidence that the social-political activists as well as writers-scholars of Punjab will participate with an open mind in the seminar and this seminar will take forward the tradition of open exchange of ideas and thought provoking debates of the first three seminars. It will contribute to the continuing discourse on a most important aspect of the project of social change in India.
Meenakshy (Managing Trustee), Anand Singh (Secretary)
Arvind Memorial Trust
For more information, please contact:
Katyayani–09936650658, Satyam–9910462009, Namita (Chandigarh)–9780724125
Please also click Punjab Screen
Saturday, March 09, 2013
Sahir lives- through his poetry
08-March-2013 14:34 IST
President releases a Commemorative Postage Stamp
The President of India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee released a Commemorative Postage Stamp on late Shri Sahir Ludhianvi on the occasion of his birth anniversary today (March 8, 2013) at Rashtrapati Bhavan. Speaking on the occasion, the President said late Shri Sahir Ludhianvi was widely acclaimed as a people’s poet who wrote on the trials and tribulations of the everyday life of the common man with great intensity and deep empathy. He was recognised as the poet of the young because of his writings on love and beauty. He wrote with great sensitivity on the values and social concerns of the contemporary period.
The President said one of Sahir’s greatest contributions was to converge Urdu poetry into film songs. He also fought for recognition for lyric writers through the Film Writers Association. The fact that his birth day is being commemorated 33 years after his death with the release of the stamp is proof that he lives - through his poetry and his songs – in people’s hearts.
Among the dignitaries present on the occasion were Union Minister for Communications and Information Technology, Shri Kapil Sibal and Union Minister of Information and Broadcasting, Shri Manish Tewari. (PIB)
President releases a Commemorative Postage Stamp

The President said one of Sahir’s greatest contributions was to converge Urdu poetry into film songs. He also fought for recognition for lyric writers through the Film Writers Association. The fact that his birth day is being commemorated 33 years after his death with the release of the stamp is proof that he lives - through his poetry and his songs – in people’s hearts.
Among the dignitaries present on the occasion were Union Minister for Communications and Information Technology, Shri Kapil Sibal and Union Minister of Information and Broadcasting, Shri Manish Tewari. (PIB)
Wednesday, March 06, 2013
You will be a strategic thinker
Asia/PACIFIC: AI is seeking a Regional Growth CoordinatorWed, Mar 6, 2013 at 12:57 PM
Oxford HR is working with Amnesty International (AI) to recruit a Regional Growth Coordinator (Asia Pacific).
For the past 50 years AI has brought people together to fight for human rights. Their aim is simple: an end to human rights abuses. Independent, international and influential, they campaign for justice, freedom and truth wherever they're denied. Already their network of over three million members and supporters is making a difference in 150 countries. And whether they're applying pressure through powerful research or direct lobbying, mass demonstrations, human rights education, or online campaigning, they're all inspired by hope for a better world. One where human rights are respected and protected by everyone, everywhere.
About the role
AI is embarking on a major process of evolution, to adapt to the dramatic changes in the world they operate in, and to increase the impact of their human rights work. With a new, global way of working AI have an exciting newly created position, which will develop, progress and manage a range of projects for growth within the Asia Pacific region. Working as part of the Asia Pacific Regional Hub team in Hong Kong, this role will focus on projects with clear roots in Human Rights impact, while supporting sustainability, with the aim of contributing to the achievement of the organizational growth strategy.
In this key regional position you will collaboratively monitor Human Rights trends and developments, develop national and regional growth strategies and mobilize resources. You will work together with both internal and external stakeholders to develop and implement the regions projects for growth by identifying gaps, sharing learning and exploring opportunities for cooperation. You will write proposals and develop projects plans, while piloting exciting new models of presence. You will monitor and evaluate the growth of AIs presence in the region actively contributing to the development of good practice and the growing knowledge bank of research about regional trends in civil society, activism and mobilization and constituencies.
About the ideal candidate
We are seeking an innovative and persuasive individual who is enthusiastic about creating Human Rights change. You will know about the trends and developments affecting Human Rights in the Asia Pacific region and have a proven track record addressing the opportunities and challenges for growth and mobilization in the region. Your expertise in best practice activism and mobilization combined with your ability to develop strong networks and relationships with civil society, NGOs and government will ensure your successful contribution to growing AI's impact in the region.
To be successful in this position you will be a strategic thinker with strong political and cultural sensitivity. You will have solid project management experience and the organizational development expertise to effectively diagnose organizational structures and operations. You will have a systematic approach to your work, yet be flexible and apply sound judgement.
Natasha Ralston
Australasian Representative - Oxford HR Consultants Ltd
Jakarta, Indonesia and Adelaide, Australia
Tel: +62 (0) 813 1600 2877 | +61 (0) 449 144 280 | Skype ID: natasha.ralston77
For detailed job description and instructions on how to apply, please visit http://oxfordhr.co.uk/vacancies/regional-growth-coordinator-asia-pacific/
# # #
For the past 50 years AI has brought people together to fight for human rights. Their aim is simple: an end to human rights abuses. Independent, international and influential, they campaign for justice, freedom and truth wherever they're denied. Already their network of over three million members and supporters is making a difference in 150 countries. And whether they're applying pressure through powerful research or direct lobbying, mass demonstrations, human rights education, or online campaigning, they're all inspired by hope for a better world. One where human rights are respected and protected by everyone, everywhere.
About the role
AI is embarking on a major process of evolution, to adapt to the dramatic changes in the world they operate in, and to increase the impact of their human rights work. With a new, global way of working AI have an exciting newly created position, which will develop, progress and manage a range of projects for growth within the Asia Pacific region. Working as part of the Asia Pacific Regional Hub team in Hong Kong, this role will focus on projects with clear roots in Human Rights impact, while supporting sustainability, with the aim of contributing to the achievement of the organizational growth strategy.
In this key regional position you will collaboratively monitor Human Rights trends and developments, develop national and regional growth strategies and mobilize resources. You will work together with both internal and external stakeholders to develop and implement the regions projects for growth by identifying gaps, sharing learning and exploring opportunities for cooperation. You will write proposals and develop projects plans, while piloting exciting new models of presence. You will monitor and evaluate the growth of AIs presence in the region actively contributing to the development of good practice and the growing knowledge bank of research about regional trends in civil society, activism and mobilization and constituencies.
About the ideal candidate
We are seeking an innovative and persuasive individual who is enthusiastic about creating Human Rights change. You will know about the trends and developments affecting Human Rights in the Asia Pacific region and have a proven track record addressing the opportunities and challenges for growth and mobilization in the region. Your expertise in best practice activism and mobilization combined with your ability to develop strong networks and relationships with civil society, NGOs and government will ensure your successful contribution to growing AI's impact in the region.
To be successful in this position you will be a strategic thinker with strong political and cultural sensitivity. You will have solid project management experience and the organizational development expertise to effectively diagnose organizational structures and operations. You will have a systematic approach to your work, yet be flexible and apply sound judgement.
Natasha Ralston
Australasian Representative - Oxford HR Consultants Ltd
Jakarta, Indonesia and Adelaide, Australia
Tel: +62 (0) 813 1600 2877 | +61 (0) 449 144 280 | Skype ID: natasha.ralston77
# # #
About AHRC: The Asian Human Rights Commission is a regional non-governmental organisation that monitors human rights in Asia, documents violations and advocates for justice and institutional reform to ensure the protection and promotion of these rights. The Hong Kong-based group was founded in 1984.
Rare Laparoscopic Surgery Performed at CMC
Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 11:59 AM
A 3 year old Girl Child was suffering from pain
Ludhiana, 6th March, 2013:(Shalu Arora and Rector Kathuria):A 3 year old girl child, daughter of a labourer was suffering, with continuous pain in the lower abdomen and urinary infection for past threemonths. She was referred tothe Department of Paediatric Surgery CMC and Hospital Ludhiana for further management. Investigations revealed that there was a 2.5 cms. long and 1.5 cms. thick,stone which was completely obstructing the flow of urine from left kidney to urinary bladder and causing urinary infection and abdominal pain. Since there was no free flow of urine from kidney, there wasswelling and deterioration of kidney function with continuous abdominal pain.
Dr William Bhatti Professor &Head, Department of Paediatric Surgery and his teamdoctors, Dr N Bedi, Dr A Gupta and Dr S Dhuria, successfully performed laparoscopic removal of stone from the ureter. Theparents are happy as their daughter does not have a big operative scar on her abdomen and she ispain free because of the laparoscopic surgery. This type of operation, where the impacted stone at lower ureterovesical junction in a 3 year old child,was removed by laparoscopic operationis the first to be performed in India. So far this type of surgery has been done by open procedures which results in long scar marks and prolongedhospital stay. In laparoscopic surgery,the child will have 2-3 tiny scars of 5mm on their abdomen, with less pain and shorter hospital stay as compared to open surgeries.
Dr William Bhatti further mentioned that presence of stones in urinary system is a common problem in children and it can be managed safely with laparoscopic operations. Parents should not ignore if their child complains of continuous abdominal pain and paediatric surgeons should be consulted immediately to prevent further complications.
A 3 year old Girl Child was suffering from pain
Ludhiana, 6th March, 2013:(Shalu Arora and Rector Kathuria):A 3 year old girl child, daughter of a labourer was suffering, with continuous pain in the lower abdomen and urinary infection for past threemonths. She was referred tothe Department of Paediatric Surgery CMC and Hospital Ludhiana for further management. Investigations revealed that there was a 2.5 cms. long and 1.5 cms. thick,stone which was completely obstructing the flow of urine from left kidney to urinary bladder and causing urinary infection and abdominal pain. Since there was no free flow of urine from kidney, there wasswelling and deterioration of kidney function with continuous abdominal pain.
Dr William Bhatti Professor &Head, Department of Paediatric Surgery and his teamdoctors, Dr N Bedi, Dr A Gupta and Dr S Dhuria, successfully performed laparoscopic removal of stone from the ureter. Theparents are happy as their daughter does not have a big operative scar on her abdomen and she ispain free because of the laparoscopic surgery. This type of operation, where the impacted stone at lower ureterovesical junction in a 3 year old child,was removed by laparoscopic operationis the first to be performed in India. So far this type of surgery has been done by open procedures which results in long scar marks and prolongedhospital stay. In laparoscopic surgery,the child will have 2-3 tiny scars of 5mm on their abdomen, with less pain and shorter hospital stay as compared to open surgeries.
Dr William Bhatti further mentioned that presence of stones in urinary system is a common problem in children and it can be managed safely with laparoscopic operations. Parents should not ignore if their child complains of continuous abdominal pain and paediatric surgeons should be consulted immediately to prevent further complications.
Tuesday, March 05, 2013
Speech by the President of India
05-March-2013 17:35 IST
Shri Pranab Mukherjee at the Kumudini welfare trust of Bangladesh
I am delighted to be here with you at Kumudini and the Bharateshwari Home for Girls. You have put up an extraordinary performance which combines beauty with elegance, discipline and physical fitness. I am truly impressed and overwhelmed by your talent and hard work.
Looking at all of you I can see that Bangladesh has a very bright future. Each of you will one day go forth into the outside world. The training and education that you are receiving here will equip you to become proud and productive citizens of your motherland. You will be the makers of a new Bangladesh. To everybody you are the representatives of the youth who aspire to see a beautiful future. Our greetings to you, the youth of Bangladesh. In the last speech of my visit to this wonderful country, I am quoting a few verses from a poem by Gurudeb Rabindranath:
Where the world is without fear and the head is held high
Where knowledge is free
Where the world has not been broken up
By narrow domestic walls....
Bangladesh has taken rapid strides in the field of education and women’s empowerment. A growing number of girls are now attending school. I congratulate the Government of Bangladesh for taking far reaching initiatives in the field of education such as compulsory primary education, free education for girls up to class ten, stipends for female students and distribution of free text books.
Women’s education is an essential pre-requisite for building a healthy and safe society. This however cannot be done by governments alone, and I am therefore glad that the Kumudini Trust has joined the national effort to impart quality education to girls in Bangladesh.
I take this opportunity to remember, with profound respect, Shri Ranada Prasad Shaha , one of the greatest philanthropists of this country. He and his family had dedicated themselves to the service of the suffering and the needy. One of Shri Ranada Prasad’s priorities was to establish a hospital for the poor so that they, especially women, could receive free treatment. To spread female education, he established schools that were dedicated to girls, giving them a well - rounded education and moulding them into socially responsible women. It is sad that not only Shri Ranada Prasad Shaha but also his family suffered considerably in the days before the creation of Bangladesh. We respect them for their bravery and pay homage to their memory. It is a tribute to him that the Kumudini Trust and its affiliated bodies have grown from strength to strength, and have served the nation so well. The Kumudini hospital and medical college have been carrying out charitable work for the most needy and destitute. You are fortunate to be studying in an institution which symbolizes the highest values of selfless service.
As a small token of support of the Government of India for your efforts, I am happy to announce that we will fund the upgradation of the sewerage system of your Complex which, I understand, has been a long pending need. In addition, we will also fund the construction of an advanced waste water treatment plant system. I am happy to be informed that the project will significantly change the landscape of the Complex and that the land saved from the installation of the waste water treatment system will be gainfully used for agriculture and other productive purposes.
I recall that some of you had met me as part of a Youth Delegation that visited Delhi last year. Today, I am happy to be here to meet you and to see, for myself, this remarkable institution.
I am deeply impressed by what I have seen and have no doubt that you will be outstanding citizens of Bangladesh.
I wish each one of you the best of success and a bright future.
Shri Pranab Mukherjee at the Kumudini welfare trust of Bangladesh
I am delighted to be here with you at Kumudini and the Bharateshwari Home for Girls. You have put up an extraordinary performance which combines beauty with elegance, discipline and physical fitness. I am truly impressed and overwhelmed by your talent and hard work.
Looking at all of you I can see that Bangladesh has a very bright future. Each of you will one day go forth into the outside world. The training and education that you are receiving here will equip you to become proud and productive citizens of your motherland. You will be the makers of a new Bangladesh. To everybody you are the representatives of the youth who aspire to see a beautiful future. Our greetings to you, the youth of Bangladesh. In the last speech of my visit to this wonderful country, I am quoting a few verses from a poem by Gurudeb Rabindranath:
Where the world is without fear and the head is held high
Where knowledge is free
Where the world has not been broken up
By narrow domestic walls....
Bangladesh has taken rapid strides in the field of education and women’s empowerment. A growing number of girls are now attending school. I congratulate the Government of Bangladesh for taking far reaching initiatives in the field of education such as compulsory primary education, free education for girls up to class ten, stipends for female students and distribution of free text books.
Women’s education is an essential pre-requisite for building a healthy and safe society. This however cannot be done by governments alone, and I am therefore glad that the Kumudini Trust has joined the national effort to impart quality education to girls in Bangladesh.
I take this opportunity to remember, with profound respect, Shri Ranada Prasad Shaha , one of the greatest philanthropists of this country. He and his family had dedicated themselves to the service of the suffering and the needy. One of Shri Ranada Prasad’s priorities was to establish a hospital for the poor so that they, especially women, could receive free treatment. To spread female education, he established schools that were dedicated to girls, giving them a well - rounded education and moulding them into socially responsible women. It is sad that not only Shri Ranada Prasad Shaha but also his family suffered considerably in the days before the creation of Bangladesh. We respect them for their bravery and pay homage to their memory. It is a tribute to him that the Kumudini Trust and its affiliated bodies have grown from strength to strength, and have served the nation so well. The Kumudini hospital and medical college have been carrying out charitable work for the most needy and destitute. You are fortunate to be studying in an institution which symbolizes the highest values of selfless service.
As a small token of support of the Government of India for your efforts, I am happy to announce that we will fund the upgradation of the sewerage system of your Complex which, I understand, has been a long pending need. In addition, we will also fund the construction of an advanced waste water treatment plant system. I am happy to be informed that the project will significantly change the landscape of the Complex and that the land saved from the installation of the waste water treatment system will be gainfully used for agriculture and other productive purposes.
I recall that some of you had met me as part of a Youth Delegation that visited Delhi last year. Today, I am happy to be here to meet you and to see, for myself, this remarkable institution.
I am deeply impressed by what I have seen and have no doubt that you will be outstanding citizens of Bangladesh.
I wish each one of you the best of success and a bright future.
Sangharsh Sandesh Jatha began in north also
Northern Jatha Flagged Off from Jallianwala Bagh
The third of the CPI(M)'s Sangharsh Sandesh Jatha – the Northern Jatha – began its journey from historic city Amritsar today. Earlier, Brinda Karat, Polit Bureau member of the CPI(M) paid tributes to the martyrs of Jallianwala Bagh before embarking on the Jatha.
The third of the CPI(M)'s Sangharsh Sandesh Jatha – the Northern Jatha – began its journey from historic city Amritsar today. Earlier, Brinda Karat, Polit Bureau member of the CPI(M) paid tributes to the martyrs of Jallianwala Bagh before embarking on the Jatha.
The Jatha team was received at Jallianwala Bagh with warmth from hundreds of people assembled there from across the state. Led by Vijay Mishra, the coordinator for the Jatha in Punjab and member of the State secretariat of the CPI (M) Punjab, Brinda Karat laid a wreath at the Jallianwala Bagh memorial.
Davinder Singh Josh, son of Sohan Singh Josh, one of the founders of communist movement in Punjab, handed over the Jatha flag to Brinda Karat.
Addressing the media afterwards, Ms Karat said that the people of India are in search of a better alternative, which is completely different from the Congress and BJP who are representing corporate interests rather those of people. She said that the message of these Jathas is to invite the public to consider the alternatives that are being presented by CPI(M).
Replying to a question on “with whom the CPI(M) will fight the next elections”, she said that the party will be representing the people’s interests and will fight the elections for safeguarding their interests. She dismissed Modi’s claim that BJP is the only alternative to Congress. She termed both the Congress and BJP as two different sides of the same coin and when they are power in Delhi, they will toe the neo-liberal policies in the interest of foreign and national monopoly capitalist.
She expressed anguish about the condition of people living in border districts. She said that their sources of livelihood and opportunities are continuously under threat from the border disputes. She reminded the gathering about the history of Amritsar which was a centre for cross border trade till the border disputes set in and ousted lakhs of people.
Brinda Karat called up on the public to participate in the party’s Sangharsh Sandesh Jatha in big numbers and make success the March 19th public meeting that is going to be held in Delhi marking the culmination of the four nationwide Jathas.
Members of the Central Committee of the party, Hannan Mollah, Inderjeet Singh, Charan Singh Vridhi and Rajender Sharma, participated in this flag handing over ceremony. Memoona Mollah, Vijay Mishra and other leaders too were present.
Davinder Singh Josh, son of Sohan Singh Josh, one of the founders of communist movement in Punjab, handed over the Jatha flag to Brinda Karat.
Addressing the media afterwards, Ms Karat said that the people of India are in search of a better alternative, which is completely different from the Congress and BJP who are representing corporate interests rather those of people. She said that the message of these Jathas is to invite the public to consider the alternatives that are being presented by CPI(M).
Replying to a question on “with whom the CPI(M) will fight the next elections”, she said that the party will be representing the people’s interests and will fight the elections for safeguarding their interests. She dismissed Modi’s claim that BJP is the only alternative to Congress. She termed both the Congress and BJP as two different sides of the same coin and when they are power in Delhi, they will toe the neo-liberal policies in the interest of foreign and national monopoly capitalist.
She expressed anguish about the condition of people living in border districts. She said that their sources of livelihood and opportunities are continuously under threat from the border disputes. She reminded the gathering about the history of Amritsar which was a centre for cross border trade till the border disputes set in and ousted lakhs of people.
Brinda Karat called up on the public to participate in the party’s Sangharsh Sandesh Jatha in big numbers and make success the March 19th public meeting that is going to be held in Delhi marking the culmination of the four nationwide Jathas.
Members of the Central Committee of the party, Hannan Mollah, Inderjeet Singh, Charan Singh Vridhi and Rajender Sharma, participated in this flag handing over ceremony. Memoona Mollah, Vijay Mishra and other leaders too were present.
A Statement from the AHRC on Sri Lanka
Mon, Mar 4, 2013 at 9:17 AM
A monk leads mob violence at Maligawatta with the connivance of the police
Swarnavahini reported a raid on a house maintained at a high rise building in Maligawatta by a mob led by a Buddhist monk, Galabodathe Yanasiri, the secretary of the Bodu Bala Sena (The Buddhist Power Army). Galabodathe Yanasiri claimed that a person residing there was keeping false deeds, fake ticket books and passing himself off as a Buddhist monk. A large crowd entered and searched the premises, allowed themselves to be videographed and then took the person into their custody. While this was going on the monk in charge spoke to the cameras saying that they will work towards exposing other similar incidents. Another person took the man impersonating a monk to apologise to the Buddhist people in Sri Lanka about the wrongs he had done, all of which he denied. Then another person was made to say that he was subjected to sexual harassment.
This crowd was accompanied by some officers of the Maligawatta police and the presence of the police could be seen in the video. The report further stated that the accused culprit was later produced before a magistrate.
The whole incident demonstrates how far mob violence is taking place in Sri Lanka. In this instance the monk who led the mob claimed that there are many more incidents happening in the country and that they intend to intervene in similar manner.
Whatever the truth or otherwise about this man alleged to be impersonating a monk, if there was any enquiry to be done it should have been done by the police and not by the mob. The very fact that the police accompanied the mob shockingly indicates the connivance of the police in the mob violence. If this group calling themselves the Bodu Bala Sena had, in fact, received some complaints against this individual it was their duty, under the law, to refer such complaints to the police and request them to take the appropriate action under the law.
However, when the Bodu Bala Sena act as a mob and engages in raids they are themselves violating the law and they should be charged under the law for trespass, illegal interference with the privacy of the tenant and mob violence. No monk or civilian has the power of arrest and therefore that too is a criminal offense. The monk who led the mob was also violating the law of the land.
It is the duty of the police to arrest all the persons who participated in this mob violence and to charge them before a court of law. As there is video footage of everything that happened during this raid there should be no difficulty in identifying the persons involved and also confirming the illegal acts that they committed. The video which was shown to the public by Swarnavahini itself may be used as evidence against those who participated in these illegal activities.
The Officer-in-Charge of the Maligawatta Police Station should be held responsible for allowing these illegal activities to take place. The Assistant Superintendent of Police and the Superintendent of Police in the area should take appropriate action to investigate the matter and take action against the police officers concerned.
However, although this might be the position relating to the law, most likely nothing will happen as the Bodu Bala Sena is acting so boldly before cameras only because they are assured of political patronage. Thus, the allowing of mob violence happened in this instance does not seem to happen without the direct or indirect involvement of the government. What is most likely is that such activities are done with the knowledge of the Ministry of Defence.
Civilian policing has virtually collapsed with the promulgation of the 18th Amendment to the Constitution. With that the police can no longer be relied on to maintain law enforcement. This situation allows the mobs to take the law into their own hands. It is this situation that the Bodu Bala Sena is exploiting knowing that they will enjoy impunity. Many attacks on civilians by the Bodu Bala Sena have been reported, including attacks on the places of worship belonging to other religions.
The Bodu Bala Sena has become the expression of the widespread lawlessness in the country. The failure of the government to take appropriate legal action against such activities demonstrates the government's connivance in creating a situation of lawlessness.
It is quite likely that in the future, such mobs may attack those who are considered opponents of the government. Thus, trade unions, NGOs and individuals holding independent opinions such as journalists and the members of the press establishments can be targets of mob violence. Such mob violence could be directed towards various factions within Buddhism such as against those who claim adherence to Mahayana Buddhism.
As the sole authority that controls the country is the executive president the failure to stop such violence should be directly placed before the president as a failure of his responsibility.
Sri Lanka: A mob leads violence
A monk leads mob violence at Maligawatta with the connivance of the police

This crowd was accompanied by some officers of the Maligawatta police and the presence of the police could be seen in the video. The report further stated that the accused culprit was later produced before a magistrate.
The whole incident demonstrates how far mob violence is taking place in Sri Lanka. In this instance the monk who led the mob claimed that there are many more incidents happening in the country and that they intend to intervene in similar manner.
Whatever the truth or otherwise about this man alleged to be impersonating a monk, if there was any enquiry to be done it should have been done by the police and not by the mob. The very fact that the police accompanied the mob shockingly indicates the connivance of the police in the mob violence. If this group calling themselves the Bodu Bala Sena had, in fact, received some complaints against this individual it was their duty, under the law, to refer such complaints to the police and request them to take the appropriate action under the law.
However, when the Bodu Bala Sena act as a mob and engages in raids they are themselves violating the law and they should be charged under the law for trespass, illegal interference with the privacy of the tenant and mob violence. No monk or civilian has the power of arrest and therefore that too is a criminal offense. The monk who led the mob was also violating the law of the land.
It is the duty of the police to arrest all the persons who participated in this mob violence and to charge them before a court of law. As there is video footage of everything that happened during this raid there should be no difficulty in identifying the persons involved and also confirming the illegal acts that they committed. The video which was shown to the public by Swarnavahini itself may be used as evidence against those who participated in these illegal activities.
The Officer-in-Charge of the Maligawatta Police Station should be held responsible for allowing these illegal activities to take place. The Assistant Superintendent of Police and the Superintendent of Police in the area should take appropriate action to investigate the matter and take action against the police officers concerned.
However, although this might be the position relating to the law, most likely nothing will happen as the Bodu Bala Sena is acting so boldly before cameras only because they are assured of political patronage. Thus, the allowing of mob violence happened in this instance does not seem to happen without the direct or indirect involvement of the government. What is most likely is that such activities are done with the knowledge of the Ministry of Defence.
Civilian policing has virtually collapsed with the promulgation of the 18th Amendment to the Constitution. With that the police can no longer be relied on to maintain law enforcement. This situation allows the mobs to take the law into their own hands. It is this situation that the Bodu Bala Sena is exploiting knowing that they will enjoy impunity. Many attacks on civilians by the Bodu Bala Sena have been reported, including attacks on the places of worship belonging to other religions.
The Bodu Bala Sena has become the expression of the widespread lawlessness in the country. The failure of the government to take appropriate legal action against such activities demonstrates the government's connivance in creating a situation of lawlessness.
It is quite likely that in the future, such mobs may attack those who are considered opponents of the government. Thus, trade unions, NGOs and individuals holding independent opinions such as journalists and the members of the press establishments can be targets of mob violence. Such mob violence could be directed towards various factions within Buddhism such as against those who claim adherence to Mahayana Buddhism.
As the sole authority that controls the country is the executive president the failure to stop such violence should be directly placed before the president as a failure of his responsibility.
Sri Lanka: A mob leads violence
Monday, March 04, 2013
Globemaster III aircraft lands
Runway during exercise Red Flag
A U.S. Air Force C-17 Globemaster III aircraft lands at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., as three F-15C Eagle aircraft assigned to the 48th Fighter Wing at Royal Air Force Lakenheath, England, hold short of the runway during exercise Red Flag 13-3 Feb. 25, 2013. Red Flag is an advanced aerial combat training exercise held four to six times a year to train pilots from the U.S., NATO and other allied countries for real combat situations. (DoD photo by Lawrence Crespo, U.S. Army/Released) 02/25/2013 -
VIRIN: 130225-F-NK166-828
A U.S. Air Force C-17 Globemaster III aircraft lands at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., as three F-15C Eagle aircraft assigned to the 48th Fighter Wing at Royal Air Force Lakenheath, England, hold short of the runway during exercise Red Flag 13-3 Feb. 25, 2013. Red Flag is an advanced aerial combat training exercise held four to six times a year to train pilots from the U.S., NATO and other allied countries for real combat situations. (DoD photo by Lawrence Crespo, U.S. Army/Released) 02/25/2013 -
VIRIN: 130225-F-NK166-828
The Bold and Straightforward Com. Anand
Anand always takes Righteous pro-people stand
An ‘Abhinandan Granth’ published by Punjabi Sahitya Akademi
LUDHIANA,March 4,2013: (Rector Kathuria): An ‘Abhinandan Granth’ on renowned literateur, journalist, public figure and a thinker, S. Jagjit Singh Anand was released by the Punjabi Sahit Akademi(PSA), Ludhiana today. The first copy of the treatise was presented by the PSA President Gurbhajan Singh Gill and others including the NRI from America S. Roop Singh Roopa, PSA Senior Vice President, Dr Anup Singh Batala, Secretary Dr Gulzar Singh Pandher, Surinder Kailley, Members Er Janmeja Johl, Sukhdev Singh Premi and Manjinder Singh Dhanoa. S. Anand could not reach the PSA function to receive the publication, due to his indisposition.
Dr Rajnish Bahadur Singh, the editor of the treatise, Mrs Urmila Anand wife of S. Anand, The Trustee of Nawan Zamana paper Jass Mand and S. Sukeerat Anand, son of S. Anand were also present.
The function was presided over by Dr S.S.Johl, Chancellor of the Central University of Punjab, while the Mayor of City of Ludhiana, S. H.S.Gohlwarhia, was the Guest of Honour. S. Roop Singh Roopa, Gurbhajan Gill and Gulzar Pandher were prominent among others who were present on the occasion.
‘The factual information comprised in the treatise throws light on the multifarious aspects of the personality of S. Anand’, said Gurbhajan Gill, adding that the future generations would derive inspiration from the life and works of S. Anand. He declared that an Award in the name of S. Jagjit Singh Anand will be given every year by the PSA for which S. Roop Singh Roopa has provided sponsorship.
S. Gohlwarhia and Dr Johl described S. Anand as a Yugpursh who always stood boldly for the righteous cause. Dr Sukhdev Singh Sirsa highlighted the nation-wide stature of S. Anand saying that he impressed people with his straightforwardness and bold voice even in the difficult times.
S. Rajneesh Bahadur Singh said that he felt honoured in writing the Treatise that he said provided him opportunity to know the great personality, S. Jagjit Singh Anand. (photos by Rector Kathuria)
An ‘Abhinandan Granth’ published by Punjabi Sahitya Akademi
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Sukeerat Anand |
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Roop Singh Roopa |
Dr Rajnish Bahadur Singh, the editor of the treatise, Mrs Urmila Anand wife of S. Anand, The Trustee of Nawan Zamana paper Jass Mand and S. Sukeerat Anand, son of S. Anand were also present.
The function was presided over by Dr S.S.Johl, Chancellor of the Central University of Punjab, while the Mayor of City of Ludhiana, S. H.S.Gohlwarhia, was the Guest of Honour. S. Roop Singh Roopa, Gurbhajan Gill and Gulzar Pandher were prominent among others who were present on the occasion.
‘The factual information comprised in the treatise throws light on the multifarious aspects of the personality of S. Anand’, said Gurbhajan Gill, adding that the future generations would derive inspiration from the life and works of S. Anand. He declared that an Award in the name of S. Jagjit Singh Anand will be given every year by the PSA for which S. Roop Singh Roopa has provided sponsorship.
S. Gohlwarhia and Dr Johl described S. Anand as a Yugpursh who always stood boldly for the righteous cause. Dr Sukhdev Singh Sirsa highlighted the nation-wide stature of S. Anand saying that he impressed people with his straightforwardness and bold voice even in the difficult times.
S. Rajneesh Bahadur Singh said that he felt honoured in writing the Treatise that he said provided him opportunity to know the great personality, S. Jagjit Singh Anand. (photos by Rector Kathuria)
Sunday, March 03, 2013
National Stroke Conference Concludes in Ldh
300 delegates attended the event
Ludhiana, 3rd March, 2013: (Shalu Arora and Rector Kathuria)The 8th National Conference of Indian Stroke Association organised by the department of Neurology, Christian Medical College, Ludhiana concluded today. There were 300 delegates who attended the conference from all over India including 18 International faculty members. Delegates also attended from the SAARC countries like Bangladesh. Yesterday there was a banquet for the delegates at the The Grand Pearl Resort. Mr RandhirKanwal the famous Ghazal singer entertained the guests. The medical students also displayed their artistic talent with a Bhangra dance.
Dr Jeyaraj D Pandian, Professor and Head of Neurology at CMC Ludhiana, the organising Secretary mentioned that all the major advances in stroke diagnosis and treatments were discussed in the conference. On the last day a special session on research in stroke was held and delegates from across the world discussed about the on-going important stroke trials and projects. A Skills workshop on the use of Botulinum toxin injection in treating stiffness of arms and legs following stroke was also held on the last day.
Dr Pandian said that for the first time a separate stroke rehabilitation skills workshop was held as a parallel meeting in CMC auditorium as part of the National stroke conference. More than 150 delegates attended this workshop which was organised by Dr SantoshMathangi. One of the main highlights of the conference was the Teaching course on stroke which was held on Day 1 for MBBS students as a separate event at CMC. Medical students from three colleges in Punjab participated in this course.
Dr Pandian stated that overall the conference had a major impact on the local doctors, neurologists, neurosurgeons, undergraduate medical students, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists and allied health trainees from across the country. This would improve the care and treatment of stroke patients.
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Dr. Monika Singla explaining secrets to prevent stroke at Ludhiana (Photo by Rector Kathuria) |
Ludhiana, 3rd March, 2013: (Shalu Arora and Rector Kathuria)The 8th National Conference of Indian Stroke Association organised by the department of Neurology, Christian Medical College, Ludhiana concluded today. There were 300 delegates who attended the conference from all over India including 18 International faculty members. Delegates also attended from the SAARC countries like Bangladesh. Yesterday there was a banquet for the delegates at the The Grand Pearl Resort. Mr RandhirKanwal the famous Ghazal singer entertained the guests. The medical students also displayed their artistic talent with a Bhangra dance.
Dr Jeyaraj D Pandian, Professor and Head of Neurology at CMC Ludhiana, the organising Secretary mentioned that all the major advances in stroke diagnosis and treatments were discussed in the conference. On the last day a special session on research in stroke was held and delegates from across the world discussed about the on-going important stroke trials and projects. A Skills workshop on the use of Botulinum toxin injection in treating stiffness of arms and legs following stroke was also held on the last day.
Dr Pandian said that for the first time a separate stroke rehabilitation skills workshop was held as a parallel meeting in CMC auditorium as part of the National stroke conference. More than 150 delegates attended this workshop which was organised by Dr SantoshMathangi. One of the main highlights of the conference was the Teaching course on stroke which was held on Day 1 for MBBS students as a separate event at CMC. Medical students from three colleges in Punjab participated in this course.
Dr Pandian stated that overall the conference had a major impact on the local doctors, neurologists, neurosurgeons, undergraduate medical students, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists and allied health trainees from across the country. This would improve the care and treatment of stroke patients.
Saturday, March 02, 2013
Vice President Releases Book ‘Walking with Lions:
01-March-2013 18:20 IST
Tales from a Diplomatic Past’ by Shri K. Natwar Singh
The Vice President of India Shri M. Hamid Ansari released a book entitled “Walking with Lions : Tales from a Diplomatic Past” written by Shri K. Natwar Singh, former Union Minister for External Affairs at a function here today. Addressing on the occasion Shri Ansari opined that all the experiences of Shri Natwar Singh are written in a very interesting way and hoped that many people will get enlightened in reading the book.
In “Walking with Lions : Tales from a Diplomatic Past”, the author puts together fifty episodes that entertain, inform and illuminate. Recounted with empathy and humour, this collection of encounters is a warm, unaffected and reassuring reminder that the great too can be as fallible as the rest of us. (PIB)*****Sanjay Kumar/VPI/01.03.13
Tales from a Diplomatic Past’ by Shri K. Natwar Singh
The Vice President of India Shri M. Hamid Ansari released a book entitled “Walking with Lions : Tales from a Diplomatic Past” written by Shri K. Natwar Singh, former Union Minister for External Affairs at a function here today. Addressing on the occasion Shri Ansari opined that all the experiences of Shri Natwar Singh are written in a very interesting way and hoped that many people will get enlightened in reading the book.
In “Walking with Lions : Tales from a Diplomatic Past”, the author puts together fifty episodes that entertain, inform and illuminate. Recounted with empathy and humour, this collection of encounters is a warm, unaffected and reassuring reminder that the great too can be as fallible as the rest of us. (PIB)*****Sanjay Kumar/VPI/01.03.13
Friday, March 01, 2013
National Stroke Conference at Ludhiana
Inaugurated by Health and Family Welfare Minister of Punjab Madan Mohan Mittal
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Photo by Rector Kathuria |
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Dr Jeyaraj D Pandian talking to media (Photo:Rector Kathuria) |
Dr Abraham G Thomas, Director of CMC Ludhiana appreciated the efforts of the department of Neurology in bringing the conference to the city of Ludhiana. He also mentioned that Ludhiana city and Punjab has a very high number of stroke patients. CMC has a comprehensive stroke program to cater to the needs of the patients.
Dr Jeyaraj D Pandian the Organizing Secretary mentioned that today experts from India and overseas talked about how to diagnose and treat stroke patients as quick as possible in the ABC of stroke session. In the noon stroke experts discussed about acute stroke treatment with emphasis on thrombolysis.
Dr MR Sivakumar, President of Indian Stroke Association (ISA) mentioned about the various activities of ISA in improving the stroke care and awareness in the country. Dr Natan Bornstein (Vice-President, World Stroke Organisation), Dr Richard Lindley (President, Stroke Society of Australasia) and Dr Craig Anderson (President Elect, Asia Pacific Stroke Organisation) stated the importance of improving care of stroke patients in low and middle income countries like India.
Dr Manoj K Sobti, member Punjab Medical Council and President, Indian Medical Association, Punjab explained the role of Punjab Medical Council in improving continuing medical education the State. Dr Yashpal Singh gave the vote of thanks.
Christian Council welcomes concern for women
Also wants rise in Budget allocations for religious minorities
NEW DELHI, 1 March 2013:(*M Madhu Chandra):The Union Budget for 2013-2014 has conclusively shown that till religious minorities get a special component plan on the pattern of Scheduled Castes and Tribes, there will be little actual devolution of funds for their development, Christian Council president Rev Dr. Joseph D’Souza has said.
The Budget allocations for the next financial year fall far short of expectations, especially of the Christian community, India’s second largest minority, Council secretary General s Dr. John Dayal said.
While presenting the annual general budget, finance minister P Chidambaram allocated welfare sub plans Rs. 41,561 crore to the scheduled castes and Rs. 24,598 crore to the Tribals – which cannot be diverted and must be spent for the designated purpose.
However, Government data shows that a large component of budget allocations for religious minorities in the past have remained unspent. There is little indication in the budget how the government intends to ensure that the moneys are spent on the target communities and specially to the Christian community, which has not got its fair share of these funds, Dr. Dayal said. The community must be assured that it will get its share of funding on a pro rata basis, specially in area development schemes and scholarships.
The finance minister has allocated Rs. 3,511 crore to the Ministry of Minority Affairs, a notional increase of 12% over the budget estimates of last. Year. The government has also allocated Rs 160 crores to the Rs 750 crore corpus of the Maulana Azad Education Foundation, the main vehicle to implement education schemes and channelised funds to non-government organisations for the minorities, but this alone does not increase direct support to disadvantaged children desirous of education.
In actual terms, only the pre-matric scholarship sees a real increase from Rs 540 crores to Rs 810 crores. The post matric scholarship sees only a small increase from Rs 405 to Rs 450 crore. Both schemes need much more resources, apart from funding to make them known to small towns and village populations.
The Christian community is the least benefited by the Multi Sectorial Development Programme in selected minority Districts, a scheme that benefits only one minority group. And even here has been reduced sharply from the Rs 1,077.60 crore in 2012 budget to Rs 887 crore in the 2013-2014 crores. This scheme will benefit the Christian community only when it is sharply focused on the population figure for minorities at the block level. A block level focus will benefit Christians in Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andhra and Punjab, apart from areas is many other states which are currently left out.
The Christian Council has, however, welcomed Mr. Chidambaram’s gender budget of Rs. 97,134 crore and child budget Rs. 77,236 crore in 2013-14. Dr. D’souza said women belonging to most vulnerable groups, including single women and widows, will be to some extent helped in living a life of self-esteem and dignity. It is good that the ministry of women and child development had been asked to design schemes to gender discrimination especially at the work place.
Released for publication. For further information, please contact John Dayal at +919811021072
The All India Christian Council (www.christiancouncil.in), birthed in 1998, exists to protect and serve the Christian community, minorities, and the oppressed castes. The aicc is a coalition of thousands of Indian denominations, organizations, and lay leaders.
M Madhu Chandra is the Regional Secretary – AICC
Mobile Number is--9774303076
NEW DELHI, 1 March 2013:(*M Madhu Chandra):The Union Budget for 2013-2014 has conclusively shown that till religious minorities get a special component plan on the pattern of Scheduled Castes and Tribes, there will be little actual devolution of funds for their development, Christian Council president Rev Dr. Joseph D’Souza has said.
The Budget allocations for the next financial year fall far short of expectations, especially of the Christian community, India’s second largest minority, Council secretary General s Dr. John Dayal said.
While presenting the annual general budget, finance minister P Chidambaram allocated welfare sub plans Rs. 41,561 crore to the scheduled castes and Rs. 24,598 crore to the Tribals – which cannot be diverted and must be spent for the designated purpose.
However, Government data shows that a large component of budget allocations for religious minorities in the past have remained unspent. There is little indication in the budget how the government intends to ensure that the moneys are spent on the target communities and specially to the Christian community, which has not got its fair share of these funds, Dr. Dayal said. The community must be assured that it will get its share of funding on a pro rata basis, specially in area development schemes and scholarships.
The finance minister has allocated Rs. 3,511 crore to the Ministry of Minority Affairs, a notional increase of 12% over the budget estimates of last. Year. The government has also allocated Rs 160 crores to the Rs 750 crore corpus of the Maulana Azad Education Foundation, the main vehicle to implement education schemes and channelised funds to non-government organisations for the minorities, but this alone does not increase direct support to disadvantaged children desirous of education.
In actual terms, only the pre-matric scholarship sees a real increase from Rs 540 crores to Rs 810 crores. The post matric scholarship sees only a small increase from Rs 405 to Rs 450 crore. Both schemes need much more resources, apart from funding to make them known to small towns and village populations.
The Christian community is the least benefited by the Multi Sectorial Development Programme in selected minority Districts, a scheme that benefits only one minority group. And even here has been reduced sharply from the Rs 1,077.60 crore in 2012 budget to Rs 887 crore in the 2013-2014 crores. This scheme will benefit the Christian community only when it is sharply focused on the population figure for minorities at the block level. A block level focus will benefit Christians in Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andhra and Punjab, apart from areas is many other states which are currently left out.
The Christian Council has, however, welcomed Mr. Chidambaram’s gender budget of Rs. 97,134 crore and child budget Rs. 77,236 crore in 2013-14. Dr. D’souza said women belonging to most vulnerable groups, including single women and widows, will be to some extent helped in living a life of self-esteem and dignity. It is good that the ministry of women and child development had been asked to design schemes to gender discrimination especially at the work place.
Released for publication. For further information, please contact John Dayal at +919811021072
The All India Christian Council (www.christiancouncil.in), birthed in 1998, exists to protect and serve the Christian community, minorities, and the oppressed castes. The aicc is a coalition of thousands of Indian denominations, organizations, and lay leaders.
M Madhu Chandra is the Regional Secretary – AICC
Mobile Number is--9774303076
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